Building Better Audiences Webinar: Session 1 (Klaviyo)


After much anticipation, we are launching Daasity Audiences, which enables eCommerce brands to sync all the customer data collected and analyzed in Daasity to other platforms.

Currently, brands using Daasity Audiences can push data to Marketing platforms such as Klaviyo and Attentive. Many more data targets are coming soon!

Daasity is hosting a webinar series to showcase and explore Audiences and some of the innovative ways that leading merchants are leveraging the new product. In this first webinar, the focus was on Daasity and Klaviyo. We invited a couple enthusiastic early adopters of Audiences and had an exciting conversation about the fantastic results they have had with Daasity’s data and Klaviyo’s deep email functionality.

Building Better Audiences: TLDRs

-Truly personalized marketing: Daasity Audiences allows brands to target customers based on far more than general preferences or engagement. Brands now can push valuable metrics like Time Between Orders, RFM, and customer lifetime value data (and any other customer data stored in their data warehouse) into their marketing channels to create truly personalized segments that are automatically updated based on the customer’s behavior.

-Remarkable improvements in metrics: By leveraging Daasity Audiences + Klaviyo, brands have seen significant improvements wherever the data has been leveraged: significantly increased AOV, Repurchase Rate, RFM score, Customer Lifetime Value, and more. 

-KPI optimization: With the new tests that can be run and data provided with Audiences, brands are learning more about what is most important for them to focus on, what they should double down on, and what they should start setting their sights on. 

The Power of Daasity Audiences + Klaviyo

  1. Top Daasity Audiences Use Cases

ECD’s Top Audiences Use Case: ECD uses Daasity’s Audiences feature to pass customers’ Time Between Orders data into Klaviyo. The data updates each customer’s Klaviyo profile, so ECD can track the interval between a customer's orders. Using this data point, ECD has been able to send automated replenishment emails to customers based on their historic purchasing behavior (in effect, creating subscription-like purchasing behavior without a subscription platform). 

Mike Demson’s Top Audiences Use Case: While working with DripDrop ORS, Mike was able to increase repurchase rate by 300% using Daasity Audiences. Mike passed RFM Segment data from Daasity into Klaviyo and built automations for each segment (High Value Customers, Lapsed HVCs). Based on the customer segment, they receive similar email flows but with tailored content to ensure they received the right message/offer for their lifecycle stage.

  1. Increasing AOV via Personalization

Targeting High Value Customers: By creating High Value Customer segments in Klaviyo with data from Daasity, messaging can be honed and tailored to their needs. This way, High Value Customers will receive the offers that they want when they want it. The result? Not only does this segment purchase more often, but they place larger orders. This means that these highest value segments become even more profitable for a brand.

Precisely-timed emails for increased AOV: Instead of sending “batch and blast” emails to customers (e.g., “Here’s our 4th of July Sale!”), meet customers where they are by emailing them closer to their Expected Order Date, and they’ll reward your brand by purchasing more per order. Personalized emails based on customer purchase history are more likely to lead to conversions than broad offers. 

  1. Customer Segments to Target with Daasity Audiences + Klaviyo

Customer segments based on channel: Your brand will certainly have customers (or customers to-be) who are on either one or both your email and SMS lists. Sydney Braithwaite the Principal CSM at Klaviyo recommends having a customer strategy around this breakdown. Do your customers in email and SMS respond differently than those only in email? Do customers only in email respond differently only in SMS? These are segments to certainly understand more about and A/B test. 

Customer segments based on survey/questionnaire results: Your products may be based on preferences, style, or even health, and creating segments that reflect these is an excellent way to give people a personalized experience and make them feel special and understood—it will build major customer loyalty, too! For example, if you were a skin care brand and you have some products that work for dry skin and some products that work on oily skin, ask your customers which they are interested in and segment them based on their responses. Then, tailor the content in your Welcome Series based on their responses. So everyone gets an email about how to improve their skin type where dry skin gets Dry Skin tips and Oily Skin receives how to combat oily skin.

Churning High Value Customers: Churning High Value Customers are those who haven’t yet lapsed but are approaching the 1 year mark without purchasing. Encouraging these customers to repurchase is easier than trying to win them back Lapsed High Value Customers. Getting these profit producers back in the funnel needs to be a priority for your brand so that your marketing dollars aren't wasted, and your marketing efforts aren't in vain. 

Lapsed High Value Customers: Targeting Lapsed High Value Customers (customers who have not purchased in over a year) are a major opportunity for your brand. You’ve already built a strong relationship with them, and they’re the largest source of your profit. Losing them is a profit killer, so you definitely want them to come back, repurchase, and keep them around as long as possible. 

Single Buyers: In many brands’ email lists, the second-largest segment is single buyers—the largest segment is almost always non-buyers. Single buyers are often less profitable or unprofitable for many brands and can really kill profits (note: this isn’t always the case of course, as brands that sell expensive products may have low repurchase rates). So, by targeting them and encouraging to purchase a second time​​—so that they become Multi-Buyers—they will be on their way to becoming High Value Customers!

  1. Reprioritizing KPIs Based on Better Data

Our guests agreed that as a result of both the enhanced understanding of customers and more successful marketing powered by Daasity Audiences, priorities and KPIs have become even more important, shifted, and expanded. 

For example, our guests noted significant improvement in marketing efficiency, so a couple metrics have grown even more important:

  • Earnings per Message Sent: As efficiency grows due to more optimized marketing, brands are able to make more, even on a message-by-message basis.
  • MER (Marketing Efficiency Ratio): A high-level way of looking at ad spend, usually calculated as Revenue divided by Ad Spend
  • LTV:CAC: LTV:CAC is a guiding metric for brands to make decisions: they invest more in customer segments and tactics that have higher ratios and move away from segments that have lower ones.
  • Purchase Frequency: How often customers are purchasing. By targeting their best customers with Daasity Audiences, brands are able to increase how often customers purchase.
  • AOV (Average Order Value): How much customers are purchasing per order. Customer segments that receive the right messaging are more likely to buy more per capita and respond better to upsells, cross-sells, and bundle offers.

In terms of shifting and expanding priorities, we’ll let Mike Demson summarize:

We hope you enjoyed these webinar highlights!

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