Nour Hammour Increases Revenue, Tailors Merchandising with Daasity

How Daasity’s granular reporting led to product optimizations for the luxury leather brand

Data Challenges before Daasity

Before Daasity, the Nour Hammour team spent hours every week maintaining a large brand performance spreadsheet connected to Looker. 

Although their data tracking and analyses were a strong starting point, they were looking to level up their analytics capabilities in order to investigate certain elements of their business that would not have been feasible via manual data loading alone.

In addition to building a single source of truth around their data, the team wanted to be able to track and analyze cohorts as well as potential weaknesses in their shopping funnel.

Data Solutions with Daasity

Nour Hammour onboarded with Daasity, connected six marketing and commerce data sources, and leveraged both Daasity’s Onboarding Team and Premium Support Teams for custom dashboard work.

For example, Premium Support built a cohort analysis dashboard that shows LTV, LTR, lifetime gross sales, AOV, and retention rate by months since first purchase. 

This custom cohort dashboard as well as Daasity’s out-of-the-box site funnel dashboard became team favorites for more granular analysis. On a daily basis, however, the team checks a custom-built business overview dashboard:


By leveraging Daasity’s dashboards, the Nour Hammour team has had major unlocks for their business.

First, by leveraging their custom cohort analysis as well as Daasity’s product affinity analysis (example visualization below), the team can target their clients more thoughtfully. For instance, they segment clients who purchase a particular coat style and then follow up with them several months later, offering a corresponding style.

1st to 2nd purchase product affinity analysis in Daasity app, showing cursor over one buying trend. [SAMPLE DATA]

Second, by using Daasity’s site funnel analysis, they were able to find a pain point in their shopping funnel. By addressing this on-site with messaging regarding free returns, duties, and taxes, they were able to improve their conversion rate. 

Third, the team is able to analyze product profitability, which has enabled them to optimize their product offerings and merchandising:

Read our case studies to learn more